Friday, January 31, 2020

Dawn Patrol - 1/31/2020

Had to work late last night so I was going into the office a few hours late.  Instead of sleeping, I went foiling.  It was peak high tide at 1.5', there was no wind and the swell had chest high waves on the sets - it was perfect for foiling!

I brought the 4'10" setup with the Armstrong CF1600.  Having used the Go Foil so much recently, the Armstrong does feel like using a hot knife cutting butter - so smooth!  I still won't take this foil out if the tide is low - it's way too expensive to be grinding on the reef.  The Go Foil is infinitely easier to fix so it still has a firm place in my quiver.  I only had an hour but I caught five really long waves - I wish I could have stayed all morning.  This swell is supposed to stick around for a couple more days...

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