Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Wing Foiling Session - 10/16/2024

Today was a better version of yesterday's session - the waves were bigger, spread out a little better and the wind was stronger and more consistent.

Mark was out when I got there - Eli went out after I launched, and Roland paddled out later.

The wind was ripping again - I opted for the Reedin SW2 4.2 and the same setup as yesterday (swapping out No.36 for No.32).

Phenomenal session!!!

Head high waves rolled through on the sets - super long rides carving up and down open faces

And the majority of the time up on foil - what more could you ask for???!!!

The forecast says the wind will slack for a few days - I could use the rest after the past couple of days!


Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Garage Works - 10/15/2024

I worked in the garage before going winging - but I had those pictures uploaded first.

I got the clear coat on Norm's board - I'll let it harden overnight and tomorrow I'll get the deck pads on it.

Then I sanded and filled (and sanded) the repair on Kalani's board.

Filled and sanded more times than I thought it would take (all because I didn't use peel ply up front).

With this one cleared, I started the repair on Greg's beat up board.  I'd like to get that done before starting No.39 (thinner 5'8")

Wing Foiling Session - 10/15/2024

Smoking conditions at the Plains today!!!

Nice high tide, decent wind swell coming through - and ripping winds!!!

No.36 with the F One Eagle 890/DW210 on the Evolution Cedrus Wind mast (I actually wish I had the Clydesdale out today).  Powered by the Ezzy Flight 4.0 -

Kalani, Eli, Zach, Duke, Derek, Prayot and Roland were all out today.  I was in the water first and had to leave after an hour and a half (date night with La).

Besides breaching several times from the intense chop in the short period (but still good sized) swell, this session was full of uncensored awesomeness!!!

With the direction more east than north, I didn't feel like I could consistently execute outbound tacks - but I did pull several inbound tacks.  Most of the transitions today were jibes (and due to the swell size and tight period, they weren't exactly easy to ail either).

Solid winds!  It has been some time since we've had wind this strong.

I may setup the Clydesdale tomorrow...

So much fun today!!!!


Monday, October 14, 2024

Wing Foiling Session - 10/14/2024

Interesting session today -

Wind was blowing side on shore - at a good clip, then not, then even stronger, then not.tfg
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Pumped up the North Nova Pro 5.0

And setup the F One Eagle 1090/DW210, Evolution Cedrus Wind 87.5 cm mast on No.32

Stats are indicative of lots of time floating around in the long lulls.

When I first went out, the wind was strong and steady.  I got in a few runs and then hit the first lull.  Prayot and Zach were paddling out and the wind picked back up.  After a few more runs, another lull hit.

When the wind picked back up, it stayed up for a bit.  I was going further and further out towards 5-Os and on one run, I picked up one of the bigger waves of the day.  I jibed on to it and was riding back in, when I saw a shark fin pop up and we "shared" the wave for what seemed a really long time.  It was probably 25' away, but even that far it looked big.

I managed to stay up for quite some time after that. 

That is until I hit the last lull - the blue line drifting out to the west.  I got saved by one of the last gusts of the day and headed in.

Close correlation between the wind graph and my speed chart.  

Challenging but fun session!!!


Garage Works - 10/13/2024

Yesterday I got to spend a lot of time in the garage.

First up was sanding No.38

And sanding.  And more sanding.  I got the board through 40-80-120-180-220-320 grits.

Then I went ahead and got the vent and leash plugs installed.  I played with some different foot pad configurations - gotta let those settle out (too many variations).

Then I worked on these two - Kalani's new to him Drifter 72 and No.33

After Kalani brought this board home, he found a soft spot.  I filled it with milled fibers/epoxy, placed a small patch over the open ding, then placed this bigger cap patch.  Today I'll sand off the excess, place a fill coat and this one should be good.

This toe bar had come loose on No.33

I used rubber cement and it's as good as new.

It's amazing what happens when you get used to something and then it suddenly isn't there - I use the tactile feedback to know my front foot is at the sweet spot.

Today I'll sand down the plugs on No.38, give it a wash down to get the sanding dust off and spray a wear coat on it.  No.38 is going to be wicked good!!!!

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Dawn Patrol - 10/13/2024

Conditions were a little worse than yesterday - initially.  It eventually cleared up a lot and was almost as good as yesterday - just not as big and consistent.

Kalani came back from family vacay.  He gave me a KT Drifter to patch up.  And no surprise - same gear for me (it's just that good).

Marvin was also out and he was catching waves much easier than Friday (cleaner conditions).

Super fun rides today - lots of technical moves (leaned over top and bottom turns, steeper drops, double dips).

17 rides in 2 hours - not the best wave count, but I did miss several others (flattened out).

It's late enough in the south swell season that this may be the last of the proper swells.  There will be west wraps and sessions to other spots - but there's nothing like catching good waves in your backyard.


Saturday, October 12, 2024

Dawn Patrol - 10/12/2024

I had the intentions of waking up early, and getting in a longer dawn patrol before I had to come back and take La around on some errands.  I did wake up early, but went right back to sleep.  I woke up at 6:30 (which is when I wanted to be in the water) and bolted out to WPB to get a quick session in.

Same gear as yesterday. 

The waves and conditions were excellent this morning - of course they were, Mother Nature knew I only had a limited time.

I caught seven waves in about 40 minutes - not bad.

I missed a bunch today - they were either a bit too fast coming through, or they were fat enough to slip through and not peak up.

I'll wake up earlier tomorrow.


Friday, October 11, 2024

Evening Session - 10/11/2024

Got in an evening session with Marlon.

There were good sized waves when the sets were coming through.  The wind was onshore enough to mess with the wave quality (bumpy surface), but not really strong enough to get up on foil with a wing.

Marlon was out on his latest longboard.  I brought out the normal setup for Foil Drive-ing and No.33

Marvin was also out on Foil Drive, and Roland was setting up in the parking lot.  He said he wants to get a Foil Drive now, but needs to sell his dirt bikes first.  He was hustling Marlon and Marvin...

Marvin and I were more over towards Coves.  There were bigger waves breaking out towards 5-O's, but we mainly had Coves to ourselves.

The waves would get steep and fast on the inside, but outside they were actually pretty hard to catch.

I caught eleven rides (and probably missed just as many).

Fun session!!!


Thursday, October 10, 2024

Garage Works - 10/10/2024

Yesterday I spent some time in the garage getting this project further towards the finish line.

I sanded the excess fill coat epoxy and got it super close to the finish depth.

Here's the bottom deck-

And here's the top deck

Then I opened up the tracks and applied the bottom logos.

After getting some other errands done in the afternoon, I added another layer of clear epoxy to cover the logos and correct any low/high points.

Today I'll lightly sand the rails and the top deck over lay, place the top deck logo on and then add the top deck clear coat.

After that, tomorrow will be more sanding and the plug installations.

Most likely final fine sanding on Sunday, spraying an enamel/acrylic wear coat, then the deck pads.

Getting real close!!!!  

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Wing Foiling Session - 10/9/2024

La and I got back from our trip today.  We had to abort the second half of the trip as Hurricane Milton was causing cancelations (our lodging was first, then the airline also recommended not going to Florida).

Conditions today were good for getting back on the saddle.  High-ish tide, swell when the sets pushed through and some decent (although more offshore) wind.  And getting back out in the water to get a session in helped get rid of the packed in a sardine can feeling from flying back.

Same gear as the last session winging (North Nova Pro 5.0, No. 32, F One SK8 950/Carve 200, Evolution Wind 87.5 mast).

Roland was also out - I was able to return his board to him - crossing our fingers that the leaks were all identified and resolved.

Not bad for a first session back.

While the wind was up, I opted to hit the break out in front of the Cabins.  When it got lighter I stayed out in front of Fenceline.

Nice correlation between the wind speed/direction chart and my speed chart.

Duke came out as I was finishing.  He and Roland said the wind was hit and miss while I was gone (but mostly the latter).

Higher degree of North in the wind - but the angle of the surf drove the lines more than the wind today.

I'm glad I brought the Nova Pro 5.0 - I had been contemplating bringing smaller wings.

Seems like the wind is going to back down a bit for the next several days - time to charge up the Foil Drive


Thursday, October 3, 2024

Garage Works - 10/3/2024

And in an effort to clear the garage before I leave (so Marlon doesn't have to dodge too many things when trying to park), I did some epoxy work in the garage (after cleaning up the gear from the truck).

I did the last epoxy placement on Roland's board.  He jumps this board to the moon - but now it leaks like a sieve.  This is the second time I've had in the garage for repairs - but it keeps taking on water.

Hopefully this repair sticks...

And I got a second fill coat on the top deck of Norm's board.  He wanted it white (but I wasn't sure if that meant solid white, distressed white, or somewhere in between).

I'm not going to be able to sand this again before I leave - so the epoxy can now harden with time over the next several days.

I'm excited to get this board finished and over to Norm so he can get Foil Drive-ing on a proper FD board (and honestly I think this will make a superb wing foiling board also).