Yesterday morning I got Scotty's barracuda back to him, so that meant the rack was open again.
When I got back I got to work on No.40
This board is going to be a shorter/wider version of No.34 - that board has proven itself to be incredibly versatile, so I wanted to make a version to compare against No.39 (which are the two shapes I've focusing on recently)
I started by skinning the top and bottom and started bulk removal at the nose and tail.
The tail bulk removal is driven by the track placement.
After using the planer I shifted to the Surform, dragonskin and then sanding screen.
I got through the rough shaping pretty quick.
Here's the bottom
And here's the top
I left the board alone for a bit (did some other work) - but instead of not coming back to it for a day, I looked for the discrepancies and got to them with the surform and sanding block - so I ended up getting the secondary/fine shaping done also.
I then broke out No.39 and did some calculations on track placement based off of placement on that board. I marked it out and then kept going.
Here is the slot all routed out.
And the track block dry fitted
This is just before I opened up the Gorilla Glue...
And here it is with the glue curing.
I don't think I've ever gotten a board through these stages this quickly before...
Now I feel compelled to see how fast I can get it laminated.