Saturday, November 8, 2008

6'5" Quad

Welcome back -

Here is one of the other projects - a 6'5" quad a la Apocolypse Now (LtCol Kilgore did it - why can't I??? - slapping on unit identification, name, etc - it'll all make sense in a couple of weeks after this board is finished - trust me). For now here's one picture of me shaping it in the backyard and another of Noe and I checking out the rails!

Tomorrow I'm going to Cerritos College (80 miles SE from Oxnard) to see Greg Loeher vacuum laminate composites onto a shaped blank WITHOUT a rocker bed - a mystery that has eluded me for quite sometime will now be REVEALED!!!! All for the low price of a tank of gas in the motorcycle and a $25 entry fee!!!! Pictures tomorrow!

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