Saturday, August 1, 2009


Sorry for the lack of postings over the past couple of weeks. We just moved out of our house in preparation for our move to Gulfport. The cleaning process, finishing off work obligations and trying to spend some time with La and the kids were the priorities. I've got some cool aquatic based adventures coming up, so posting will resume.

First off - here are a couple of pictures of my good friend Jimmy Martindale as he was making his way across the Ka'iwi Channel - 32 miles separating the islands of Molokai and Oahu. I met Jimmy when he was stationed aboard the USS Paul Hamilton and I was at PWC Pearl Harbor. Jimmy knew back then that the Navy would take him away from Hawaii and made a career change - I have made 4 transcontinental or transoceanic moves since then and I am beginning to think he was the wiser of us.

Anyways - Jimmy has made this crossing several times now. I'd like to think if I still lived on Oahu, that I'd have done it with him at least a few times.

HOO-YAH Jimbo!!!

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