Saturday, December 28, 2024

Wing Foiling Session - 12/28/2024

The wind was forecasted to come up today - but only to marginal conditions for winging.  Which was fine for me as I have been wanting to get the AFS Enduro 1300 and the KT Dragonfly together in preparation for parawinging.

Hickam has long been my testing grounds for getting equipment setup - 

And here is the setup I've been waiting for (so I can begin my parawing journey).

This is where the foil balanced out with the board initially.  I eventually moved it forward to get a tiny bit more front foot pressure - but it's all settled now.

The winds were really light - and the Nova Pro worked perfectly!

This was a good session to get this equipment dialed in.  There were lots of holes, and I got to pump through a few of them, but several didn't have to push to keep me above the Enduro 1300's stall speed.

Still lots of North in the wind.  I stuck with jibes mostly just to make sure I didn't come off foil - but I did get in a few heel-to-toe tacks.

Not ideal by a long shot - but it was good to know I can go in this level of light wind.

You can see the correlation pretty well between the run and the reported wind speeds.

Now I can bring this set of equipment out to parawing - 


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