Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Patagonia Honolulu Board Swap

The Patagonia shop on Ward Ave had a board swap on Sunday. They sent out a email flyer and I signed up to put two boards on the rack - my Stretch 6'5" and Charlie's 7'2" fun board. The fun board sold, but as fate would have it, I still have my Stretch. Maybe I need to try shortboarding again... A few alaias made it into the racks, but I didn't see any sold. And a famous guy roaming through the crowd selling some logs. Since this was the first board swap at this shop, I think not as many boards ended up moving to new owners. In fact, it seemed like most of the people looking around were also selling boards. I bet once the next swap happens and word gets out, this one will be just as productive as the East of Maui Swap meets are back in Annapolis.

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