My world is now forever changed!
I finally caught a fish on a fly rig!!!
Even if it is small -
The neat thing is one of the first fish I caught when I first started fishing out here was a goatfish.
So here I am starting from scratch with a different type of fishing and what do I catch - a goatfish!
The little guy is a different species from the other ones I've been catching.
SO -
I noticed that I was casting better (keeping my elbow in and paying more attention to the stop and starts) - I think the new line also had something to do with it. That is actually more data that adds to my theory that fly fishing is the equivalent of golf in the fishing world - you can buy more and more equipment and psychologically you think you are getting better.
Spinning gear is more like the "redneck shooting in the woods" type of fun as opposed to an "afternoon on the fairways". Both have their benefits.
To illustrate that point, the three other guys I was fishing with decided to pack up from the Donkey Gate area since they weren't getting any hits. We headed for the O'Club Beach. As usual, it was pretty windy so I used the Ugly Stik with a bubble float and a red squid lure I chopped up from a sabiki rig. I had a few small hits where the fish "spit" the hook - I knew the Bonefish were patrolling, and then I got a good hit! After a great fight, I pulled up a 15" Bonefish!
Spinning gear - you can't miss (just like a 12 gauge shotgun in the backwoods)!!!
....hmmm....just as long as your temporary "hobby" doesn't turn into a life style as we had or should I say, I have agreed upon as with our sailing/surfing life style...ummm...I mean..."gear".... LOL...
You are too much!
....last time you deployed to Iraq for a year you ended up collecting over 10 quality, it's fishing gear...lets, just say....all this fishing gear better benefit us while sailing on our Outremer (in the near future)...
That's how we will catch yellowfin to subsist off while transiting the ocean!
Also - it is assurance that our family will not go hungry!
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