This is the third time I've been to this spot and it has delivered the goods without fail.
Within five minutes of getting set up, I hooked up with this small but feisty Bluefin Trevally. It was cruising through the reformed surf where I cast out in front of it, watched it change direction and WHACK! FISH ON! When I released it, it looked like it was ready for more -
Next I saw a school of Bonefish move in. I cast, got one to chase, wait for it, wait for it, wait for it - SET, TENSION ON, and WE'RE OFF TO THE RACES!!!! It was a big one - bolted at full speed to my backing - straight for the rocks near shore. I brought it back out a couple of times, but it was determined to get to the rocks. You don't get to be a big bonefish by being dumb... it broke me off after the third run. BUT WHAT A FIGHT!!!
I also hooked up a small pinfish. Nasty booger - I waited for it to stop thrashing around so I could get the hook off. By the time it did stop, there was fish poo everywhere - on the sand, all over itself, but thankfully none on me. Hook out, then off you go back to the sea.
Finally - the tide came up (medium tidal swing due to the waxing moon). The bones were not drifting past so I figured they moved in (because I did see a few big trevally patrolling the flats with the increased water depth). I walked back to the beach. I walked the shoreline looking for fish hanging out and I saw this guy - 18" of pure muscle rooting around in the sand between the waves lapping up on the beach...
I cast out dozens of times and it just ignored me. BUT on the last cast, it turned, I saw it take the fly into it's mouth and WHACK! It ran like a race horse and after a long battle, I had my second of three fish needed for making lumpia.
I hooked up to another bonefish while walking back - wrestled it to the beach and just as I got it up on shore, it spit the hook... I ran to grab it, but a wave beat me and the fish swam off (laughing at me I figure - good for it!)
Great fishing day!!!!
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