Friday, February 28, 2025

Evening Session - 2/28/2025

This one was too short.  It's hard to say for sure it's the lack of glide and the shape doesn't generate/carry speed since the waves were gutless - but I can say whichever factor is more influential, catching waves on this board with the Foil Drive was hard.

Definitely less of everything compared to No.29 - did I say No.26 is too small???

When I did catch a wave, I was able to ride it for some long distances.

I count 9 rides mixed in with a lot of missed waves.  Anyone want a slice of humble pie???  I've got plenty!

Tomorrow I'll try the recently made 4'8'


Thursday, February 27, 2025

Garage Works - 2/27/2025

And I got this signal window installation order finished up for Dennis today.

He picked up some of the M7/8 Custom Wingscrew bolts so these tracks should work now.  Dennis was partly the inspiration I had for trying out No.29 (but so were Robby, Norm and Marvin).  I think short foil boards may be about to come back into fashion...

The key really is figuring out how to get up quick!!!!

Evening Session - 2/27/2025

Norm and I hit WPB again this afternoon.  A little smaller than yesterday, and just about as windy.  The tide was a touch higher as well - but with the Foil Drive, it's all good!

These two were back at it - chillaxing in the sun!!!

So today was an eye opener - on top is No.40 - what I consider to be the pinnacle of my thoughts on what Foil Drive-ing (and winging) is - get up on to foil as quickly as possible.

Below is a blast from the past - No.29.  This is my first (on purpose) ay\symmetric foil board.  It was built two years ago and is the innegra on top - carbon on the bottom with a carbon hoop on the rails construction.  And it performed flawlessly today - challenging my preconceived notions of what foil assist surfing is and can be.

And I got the foil positioned perfectly on the first shot!  Splendid progressive lift.

This board requires me to move a bit forward from where I am accustomed to riding while prone.  But using the wave geometry to my advantage, it really didn't consume much more power to catch a wave than it does when I use the mid-lengths (34, 39 and 40).  I felt completely comfortable from wave one.  And on my last wave, I tried a "pop tart" takeoff where I sank the board, swung around and pulled the trigger to "pop" out of the water and get up to foiling speed faster.  I'm going to have to practice that some more. 

Riding waves once I picked them up was a joy - and this is where this board in particular is supposed to shine.  The asymmetry allows me to apply more leverage and have an advantage over symmetrical boards.  Turning was easier than it has been on other boards.  So basically - it seems as if the perfect board was hiding in my garage this whole time. 

Most of my rides were from all the way outside to all the way inside.  And I got a few double dips to boot!!!

15 rides in just over an hour - yet another ridiculous session!!!

Now I want to break out the other prone boards I had made before I picked up the Foil Drive Assist Plus (which is essentially the day my prone foil surfing days ended).  After today's "take a chance" move to No.29, I think there is some really good mojo sitting in the garage...


Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Evening Session - 2/26/2025

The winds were pushing onshore this afternoon - and not really at the strength to wing.

The tide was at a decent height and if you waited, some waves with decent energy would come through all the chop slop.

Same gear as the last Foil Drive-ing session - this shit is good!!!

Norm was out also.

This session was actually pretty fun.

The rides were actually pretty long - 

19 rides in an hour and 15 minutes - pretty ridiculous!!!

Lesson today - don't judge a book by it's cover -


Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Wing Foiling Session - 2/25/2025

I was contemplating using the Foil Drive this afternoon, but Norm couldn't go today.  Then Prayot texted that there was wind and he was launching.

I packed the light wind gear (not the uber light wind though...)

No.34/North Nova Pro 5.0/F One Eagle 1090/DW210/ Project Cedrus Carbon 85cm mast

These two were chillaxing on the beach (and they've been doing that for a bit now - nice to know they trust this area and the people around them; not sure I do...)

Most of the session was just floating around.  While I was driving up, I saw Prayot up on foil, and he was buzzing around while I was setting up.

As soon as I got out to deep enough water, the wind just died.  

I spent a bunch of time floating and thinking I didn't want to have to swim in (like Harris did on Sunday).  But as I was a bit too optimistic with the gear selection for today, the possibility of having to swim in was real.

Eventually I picked up a gust while pointing towards shore, and I was able to jibe multiple times to get back to the launch point.

I think if I brought out the uber light wind stuff, I could have been up more.  I'm just glad I didn't have to swim back!!!

And when I was up, I was doing a good job of moving at a decent clip.

I may wait for the return of solid wind (next Tuesday) before trying to wing again.


Monday, February 24, 2025

Garage Works - 2/24/2025

This was yesterday's garage works session - 

I sanded down the signal window fill and placed the fiberglass patch - on both sides.

If the patches harden level, I'll do a quick sand and fill with clear coat.

I think the next project will be changing out the track box on No.32

Then after that, No.41 (which will probably be a 5'2" x 19.75" Foil Drive Max board (for the bigger waves of summer).

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Wing Foiling Session - 2/23/2025

And as forecasted, the trades did make a minor showing this afternoon.  Not a solid comeback - but definitely workable.

Rick showed up for some lessons learned.  Then Matt arrived so at least I wouldn't pulling a solo session.

Brought the big stuff today to guarantee getting up on foil.

KT Dragonfly 100l, AFS Enduro 1300/HA43/Short Fuselage/AFS UHM 85cm mast 

I did not bring my watch so no stats.  I did stay out for about 2 hours.  I mainly wanted to get the rust off and make sure I could connect the dots during transitions.

Matt went in first and Harris could be seen getting his stuff ready.  Harris launched but his equipment was way too small for today's conditions.

Then Prayot came, launched, and proceeded to get up on foil and use Harris as a rounding buoy.

Prayot made it out to Seconds - but came back early as he saw a 10' tiger.

Everyone got back safely.  Hopefully we'll get the strong trades back soon.


Dawn Patrol - 2/23/2025

Nice conditions for the dawn patrol again this morning.

Super light offshore wind kept the surface conditions at near glass.  Low tide at 0.6 and dropping - but that just meant swimming a little more.

There were waves breaking on the outside -  

Same gear - including the HO Max battery.

I came in at 45% because I needed to get Norm's battery and foil over to him.  At an hour and a half, I could have been out another 30 minutes at least.

Tight takeoff spot today.  And as time went on, the waves actually got smaller and smaller (fading swell).  Which realistically is fine - I really should be resting my right knee anyways (I can't help it if I rip super hard).

These rides were really long today.  And I got several double dips.

22 rides this morning - uber fun this morning!!!


Garage Works - 2/22/2025

Yesterday I finished the repair work on Norm's Code 1130S

Lots of sanding.  And I went ahead and filled/sanded the scratches, and even faired in/tuned the trailing edge.

Back to fighting shape!!! 

And today Dennis dropped off a prone board to get signal windows installed. 

I got both the top and bottom windows opened up and filled.  Tomorrow will be sanding and placing the fiberglass patches.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Dawn Patrol - 2/22/2025

Dawn patrolled WP this morning.  There were still some waves pulsing in from the WNW (wrap).  Light offshore wind was keeping the conditions nice.

Same equipment as normal - except....

Some tape around the new cable guide where it has exposures (subject to drag.  This setup is pretty slick going through the water.

With the smooth surface conditions, the draw on the battery was about as low as it gets.  After nearly over an hour and a half, I was at 45%

Andrew, Dean, Dennis, Noel, (and I think Prayot and Kalani) were out.  There were others out too - Regan, and others I didn't recognize

Super fun, super long runs today!!!  The waves had just enough vertical on them to make for great carving.

16 long rides (with several double dips) in about 90 minutes - so roughly a ride every 5 minutes.

Of note - one peak was feathering as I was coming up from a bottom turn and WHACK!!!  The top turn was pretty much a snap in the top hook - SO MUCH FUN!!!


Friday, February 21, 2025

Evening Session and La on a Boat - 2/21/2025

La and I went to Hickam this evening - she finished off her sailing course...

And I burned a Foil Drive battery.

It was cool to be out at Seconds when La and her crew (and the rest of the class) sailed past.

I managed to catch several rides out at Seconds - 

But oddly enough, with this being the first time I used No.40 with the added deck pads (for grip when taking off) - the board seemed heavy today.

I also had some weird readings from the remote/battery.  Makes me wonder if I should use the app every time before going out...

Definitely a pattern today.  I actually got some pretty long rides - the only issue as mentioned above was the sluggish feeling.

11 rides in under an hour - pretty good!

Fun session - especially getting to see La out!
