Sunday, February 23, 2025

Wing Foiling Session - 2/23/2025

And as forecasted, the trades did make a minor showing this afternoon.  Not a solid comeback - but definitely workable.

Rick showed up for some lessons learned.  Then Matt arrived so at least I wouldn't pulling a solo session.

Brought the big stuff today to guarantee getting up on foil.

KT Dragonfly 100l, AFS Enduro 1300/HA43/Short Fuselage/AFS UHM 85cm mast 

I did not bring my watch so no stats.  I did stay out for about 2 hours.  I mainly wanted to get the rust off and make sure I could connect the dots during transitions.

Matt went in first and Harris could be seen getting his stuff ready.  Harris launched but his equipment was way too small for today's conditions.

Then Prayot came, launched, and proceeded to get up on foil and use Harris as a rounding buoy.

Prayot made it out to Seconds - but came back early as he saw a 10' tiger.

Everyone got back safely.  Hopefully we'll get the strong trades back soon.


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