Sunday, August 26, 2018

North Shore Chicken Hunting

We packed up the truck and went out to grab a couple of pieces of lumber - then made a trip out to Haleiwa to grab a Kua Aina Burger (drooling)!  To pass a few minutes in hope of letting any lunch hour lines die down, we checked out the Patagonia shop.  Without fail, there were chicken families in several stages of development.  My kids went into "hunt" mode..

Ever since our trip to Kauai, my kids love to catch recently hatched chicks, study them, and release them to continue hunting bugs.  I love to hear the hen scream bloody murder - I realize the hen may not think the same of the situation as I do, but this never gets old for me or the kids.  I'm sure it gets old for the birds.

No animals were physically harmed in the making of this blog post.  In fact, the chicks we picked up got belly rubs and hugs.

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