Friday, January 31, 2025

Evening Sessions - 1/31/2025

This was yesterday afternoon's session.

Residual swell from the storm (but quickly dropping).

Decent tide - lightish winds.

Norm has FD'd Pavilions earlier - said it was not organized at all.  Fenceline looked much better - but smaller.

Same gear - 

The rides were much better than I would have thought looking at the waves on the beach.

The waves had energy in them - enough to crank really fun turns and make long runs.

I'll call this 16 rides which is ridiculous based on the hour I was out.  But as long as the wind is not creating chop, this is possible.

Foil Drive saves the session yet again!!!  And it didn't hurt that the waves were decent (for this time of year).

Rolad was out on his prone gear, and it looked like Prayot was also out (but the person I am presuming to be Prayot had a red board).


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