Monday, January 20, 2025

Garage Works - 1/20/2025

I trimmed the excess foam off the reinforcement block - I used the small Bosch planer and the microblade surform.

I'll have to use some epoxy to fill the sides - I cut it tight, but there are still some voids.

And I marked the centerline and the track locations.  I trimmed one side of the boxes so they can sit closer to the existing tracks.

I cut the slots tomorrow - I want to go through this in my mind a few times before spooling up the router.

And I got the Spitfire 840 fitted and balanced onto the Groove Kitefoiling Board. 

Pretty much to the rear of the tracks - which makes sense because this is a larger foil in terms of kitefoiling.

I originally thought my sole new year's resolution was learning to parawing - now I'm including learning to kitefoil 

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