Tuesday, August 1, 2023


And fortuitously, I got a call from an old co-worker who was working a side job.  In this side job, he stumbled on a lot of EPS insualtion panels - probably 2.0 pound density.  He called me up asked if I could use any of this...

I was able to meet him over at Tanioka's and he gave me half of the load he took today (which was a little less than half of what the owner had available).

4'x8'x4" sheets!  I'm pretty sure there are 12 to 15 wing and prone boards hiding in these insulation panels - I just have to coax them out of hiding!!!

I'm going to have to break these down into panels that I can store.  Looks like I won't need to buy blanks for wing or prone foil boards for quite some time!!!

MAHALO Gary!!!

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