Sunday, August 13, 2023

Dawn Patrol - 8/13/2023

Dawn patrol on Sunday morning was spectacular!!!

Sizable swell from the south, light offshore wind and a lower tide - everything lined up for epic rides!!!

I stayed out long enough to make sure I could get to a meet where I had to attend for Noe - but that still meant I got over 2 hours of bomber sets and really long rides.

I bolted on the HPS 980 again to get a back-to-back comparison with a smaller foil (the Vyper 170 from Saturday's session).  There is definitely a correlation between the larger size picking up waves faster - getting me off the throttle sooner - that makes the battery last longer.  But that is countered with the slower roll and top end speed.  I asked Dennis if I could borrow his HPS 930 to see if that foil offers more balance of all the requirements - easy takeoff, fast top end, hard turns, pumpability back out.

The Kujira 1210 does these things well, but I'm just wondering if there is better out there (Spitfire, Kujira 980, SK8, Code 850....).

EPIC Day!!!


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