The wind was forecasted to die back - but it didn't until much later than it was supposed to.
That meant a choppy surf session...
There was an aggressive shark sighting at WPB - that closed down the beach for the day. Norm, Marvin and I ended up at Pavilions.
With the high tide, we ended up riding the inside break.
I used No.31 - to evaluate how the signal windows worked.
I could use the drive while the whole board was submerged if I had the controller over the windows.
Catching waves in the chop was hard. Staying on them was even harder.
I did get a handful of decent rides - in fact the break in front of the first cabin is pretty gnarly. I ate most than I rode. The wave would jack quickly - which is when the bottom dropped out and I would usually eat it. But when I made it and I was able to go right - well those were EPIC rides!
I'd say I got 7 rides - the rest of the spikes were wipeouts.
The wind should be light in the morning... I've got both batteries charged up and ready to go!
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