Sunday, March 2, 2025

Garage Works - 3/2/2025

The winds are already picking up - so I will likely not be Foil Drive-ing for a bit.  So no time like the present to get this board tuned up for action (after the wind dies back down).

Starting with the top deck, I drilled out the holes for the signal windows.  I'm going for 2 on top so I can stretch out a bit.

And here they are filled in.  I'll sand these down and place a fiberglass patch over these tomorrow.

And with the top deck hardened enough to stay put, I flipped the board and drilled out the bottom deck window hole.

And here it is filled in.  I think I'll have enough time to get the top deck to harden (fiberglass patch), to be able to do the same to the bottom deck.  Not that I'm in a rush, but I do want to clear the rack to work on other issues (No.32 needs new tracks and I'm still playing around with what No.41 will be - but soon enough I'll be cutting out the blank).

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