Saturday, March 8, 2025

Wing Foiling Session - 3/7/2025

La and I were going back into town in the evening so we could meet up with a 1st cousin of mine - so I got an early winging session in.

The wind was pretty gusty and a lot of North in it.  The tide was low (that time of year) and the waves were on the small side.

I figured I'd try out the Eagle 890 on No.40 and get the balance point defined.  The results were not what I expected - it lined up behind the SK8 950...

I didn't think I'd need a bigger wing - but the wind was super up and down.  I had several points where I had to wait for a gust to get back up on foil, and multiple points where I was holding on for dear life (but the Mode Pro 4.8 lives for that).

The first two 5 mile laps were pretty long - subject to the off foil stints.  My last one was decent at 22 minutes.

There were some waves to ride and a lot of them stood up for some fun slashing and drops.  But it was smaller than it has been the past several days.  I've been focusing on timing of my tacks onto waves - with the long windless streak, I had gotten rusty on this.  Trying to line up the tack with a peaking wave, and tightening up that tack has been what I seek while out winging in waves.

12 to 28mph... good training for wing management.  In fact, I was able to pump up on to foil in wind that I normally wouldn't have thought I could get up in (maybe a benefit of No.40's bottom shape and volume distribution...)

Another weird thing was the top speed I got out of the equipment today - not as fast as I normally get out of the 890.  Pulling all the other weird things that were happening (foil kept coming back at me or I was bumping into it - multiple times), I'll just consider this session an anomaly.

More windy days ahead!


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