Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Wing Foiling Session - 3/4/2025

The winds were pretty strong today.  Tide was still pretty low.  And the tradewinds generated some decent sized swell that was breaking on the outside.

I went slightly smaller today than yesterday.  North Mode Pro 4.8 (which handles blustery gusts without a lot of drama) and the AFS Silk 850 (best carving foil ever).

I swam out a little bit further since the tide was lower - but the wind was so strong I launched before the inside break and got out without any drama.

I only had an hour - Noe had a concert tonight so I wanted to be home to watch the live telecast!

Norm was trying out an Elev8 5.0 today (he got a pretty good deal on a 5, 4 and 3) so we stayed at Pavilions.  That really wasn't a downer - the waves were breaking over the outer reef and the whole experience was awesome!!! 

I whipped into several overhead set waves!!!  On a few of them - the ones that stood up taller without breaking, I got in some really hard carving gouges!!!

I think I could have been on a 4.0

With the chop, I did eat it a few times.  No big deal - for all but one of the wipes, I got right back up on foil quickly.

Norm looked a lot more comfortable on the Elev8 wing - he wasn't wrestling it and it had plenty of power.

Tomorrow should be more of the same!!!


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