Fun session today. Went out later - the weather was not conducive to winging earlier (rain) and La, Marlon and I went up to the North Shore for a change of pace - so later was fine.
The wind was decent for the 5.0 m
The tide was low (so longer paddle out).
And the waves were on the small side.
Prayot and Roland were partaking today as well.
Based on the testing I did yesterday - I originally wanted to go to Hickam today and figure out where the Cabrinha H800 and the Axis Spitfire 840 would line up (and recalibrate the positioning of SK8 950). I was a little tired from driving around today, so I opted to hit WPB despite the low tide, and just get the SK8 950 adjusted.
For most of the session, the wind was up enough to keep on foil. There were a few times I went down due to a botched maneuver, and I had to wait for a gust to get back up - but that was not the norm.
The tide kept the waves rideable in front of the cabins (which is also the "dead zone" wind wise on lighter days). The arc that is seen in the chart below is me riding goofy foot and carving up the standing wave faces - SO MUCH FUN!!!
I also got several tacks on to inbound waves - and kept whittling away at the horizontal angle of these turns at their apex.
Decent wind - you can see where the waiting time frames were (dropped below 15mph)
This was a really good session - until the end where I had a couple of reef touches to the foil just after splash down. Nothing that a little wet-dry sandpaper couldn't address.
Tuesday is shaping up to be a nuking day with some waves.
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