Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Evening Session - 5/17/2023

Lots of stuff going on today... Noe's wisdom teeth were taken out, took the recycling in, made a run to Lowe's to pickup some stuff for La and myself - then I worked on the open cavity on Kalani's board to getting it ready to fit the new block - and then I went to the beach.

There was a bunch of wind earlier in the afternoon - but the clouds moved in.  The tide was really high - so I hung out on the inside.  The surf was belly high on the sets.  I actually forgot my leash, so that was another reason I stayed inside.

I was going to bring the 4'8" prone board (No.21), but I left it on the porch and the wax melted.  I didn't have the time to get it rewaxed s I grabbed the asymmetric prone board.  I used the markings from No.21 and setup the Progression 170.

I caught plenty of waves - lots of repeats - and I didn't lose the board.  I think I should use this board more often.

The weather is going to take a turn for the worse - so I may not be foiling/surfing for the next couple of days.


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