Monday, May 15, 2023

Evening Session - 5/15/2023

Got in a late afternoon prone foiling session.  The tide was dropping (so I kept checking the depth), the surf was belly high on the sets (and it was a little on the lully side), and the surprise of the day - there was wind.  Enough to wing.

But I didn't bring winging equipment - I brought the prone setup I've been using the last few sessions.  No.31, the short Project Cedrus mast, the Progression 170/meium fuse/flex rear stabilizer.

I made sure to mount this further forward than last time - and it paid off.  I got in a few triples, plenty of doubles and lots of surfy carves top to bottom (granted the waves weren't huge).

Roland ordered a Progression 170 from Paul.  And to celebrate, Roland surfed today - said he wasn't going to prone foil again until he gets the Progression 170.  I can't think of a better endorsement.


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