Thursday, October 31, 2024

Wing Foiling Session - 10/31/2024

I picked up another prototype wing from Donnel.  I hit the beach straight from work to get the wind while it was up.

Good conditions while I was setting up - but in typical fashion, the wind dropped when I paddled out.

I thought the wind would be nuking so in order to counter the power in a larger wing (testing another 5.0) I set up the F One SK8 750/C195

And here is the prototype -

This wing is the most technical I have flown to date.

It luffs really well - but it does get locked in (granted the wind got pretty strong at times and the extra speed I picked up from the larger waves would affect the wing generating more lift).

This seemed like the blue 5.5 wings I previously tested - where once I was up on foil, the wing would always provide enough power to move; but it doesn't generate brute force to get you up out of the water quickly - this requires a lot of finesse)  

After a bad start to the session (when the wind died down and I drifted into the dead wind zone). I got up and stayed up for a bit.  I picked up some really good waves - head high while on foil.

Eventually during the session, one of these waves wrecked me and put the foil into the wing...

Nice pattern on the track 

You can see gaps in the wind here -

And in here

Despite these issues, this was a fun session!


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