Thursday, March 23, 2023

Evening Session - 3/23/2023

This afternoon La and Noe dropped me off at the beach so they could run errands.  I used the same setup as yesterday, but switched out the KD rear stabilizer for one of the thin ones I made.  This one was just under 15" (14.875") and it is one of the easier tails to flex.

The waves were cleaner, but a little smaller and less consistent than yesterday.

I was still able to grab a few handfuls of juicy waves - and ripped them apart with the Vyper 170.  I had an easier time despite the smaller conditions - and I attribute that to the swapped out rear stabilizer.  The flex really worked to bounce out of turns.

I'm beginning to wonder if I was able to move the mast forward, would I be able to pump easier... time to build another 4'8"/4'7" and get the track boxes further up.

I think the swell energy is going to start backing off - might be time to get the Eagle 1090 dialed in...


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