Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Wing Foiling Session - 3/1/2023

I picked Kalani up after work and we hit Hickam.  The wind was nuking - then it wasn't.  Then it was nuking again.  I'll call it 15 to 35mph.  This was supposed to be the strongest wind of this wind event.

I pumped up the Reedin SW 3.6 again.  Using this near back-to-back with the SW2 wings, this V1 SW is way more back handed (flies by controlling with the back hand - where the SW2 is more balanced).  Not a bad thing - just a nuance you need to be aware of when flying.

I bolted on the Eagle 890 with the fuselage and the KD Marlin 14"

Kalani was trying out his new Reedin SWX 4.2 (the wind was definitely too strong for his usual 5.2 and 6.0).

This is such a smooth front foil - and after giving it a Donaldson trailing edge - it is quiet.  

Because of the really strong gusts, there was a lot of weird things going on - swirling and bending wind, and turbulence below the surface that the foil had to ride through.

I got in just under 25 miles in the 2 hours I was riding.

Crazy conditions - I loved every second!!!


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