Saturday, September 18, 2021

Wing Foiling Session - 9/17/2021

Went to Hickam yesterday after work.  The wind was supposed to be nuking - but it was far from it.  Good thing I brought the bigger wings (since I don't trust the forecasters).  I bolted on the HS1850 and pumped up the Ensis 6.0 - session savers!!!  

I was going to just stay on the inside since the wind looked light - but Harris was already out, had come in and said it was blowing better outside.  We made a beeline for Firsts.  The waves were small, but every now and then there was a good set pulling through.  The wind was steadier outside - stayed out there for about 40 minutes before it looked like the wind was dropping.

You can see the drop in wind around 4:30pm.  I could have used the 5.2 - but since La had repaired the 6.0, I have been wanting to test out the patch.  Glad to report its all good.

And from the watch track, you can see the wind dip also.  For the most part, I was up and riding - down only on botched transitions.

Towards the end of the session, I did try and do some flatwater jumping.  Its hard to tell for sure since you can't see under the board, but I did feel like I broke free of the water.

I felt redeemed at peace with the Ocean.  I'm hoping I paid my dues the last few sessions.

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