Thursday, June 22, 2023

Wing Foiling Session - 6/22/2023

And here is the repaired mast (and the rest of the gear I setup).

The wind was blowing nice and strong - I pumped up the SW2 4.2.  I figured with the smaller wing, I could just use the Eagle 1090.  And it all tied together with the just repaired 85cm Project Cedrus Mast.

This picture was after I came it - and the wind did die down a notch compared to when I was out and riding.  The waves were still really small - but that just forces you to try out other things - like doing high speed tacks onto waves just starting to stand up.

The predominant direction seemed to be NE trades.

Gusts touching 30!

I didn't feel compelled to head back up to Hau Bush (considering the events of yesterday, and I didn't have time today to pick up a knife), so I wasn't pushing the mast to the point of ventilation.  But over all the mast did feel a tad bit more user friendly.  Again - this is likely a figment of my imagination, but I never felt the onset of the mast ventilating - not even once.

Really fun session!


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