Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Wing Foiling Session - 6/28/2023

The wind was up and down yesterday - great when it was up, pretty bad when it was down.  Tide level was dropping from a pretty good high tide.

Eagle 1090 and the SW2 5.2 saved the day.

I actually stayed up on foil for pretty much the whole session.  Save for two touchdowns - one from a big lull, and the other tripping on the foil during a tack.

I did tack onto waves a lot this session - and in lighter winds.  Muscle memory....

The graph is from the airport - but you can still see the deep lull.  Nice to know the 1090 and 5.2 SW2 can carry in such light winds.

I think these solid blue speed charts are so cool -

Almost 19 miles on a light wind day - not bad.

The waves are forecasted to get smaller - and the wind forecast doesn't really take into account the thermals... maybe on eof these mornings it'll be a good time to go fishing...


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