Monday, November 30, 2020

Adding Footstraps to the Wing Foiling Board

After taking careful note of where my feet end up while winging, it was time to add footstraps.  Instead of using inserts routed and glassed in to the board, I opted to use the NSI Stick-on inserts.  I started with the front two

I pull tested each one to make sure it was holding, and had to reset one of the middle inserts.  I also trimmed the corners of the front two.

Tonight I set the rear inserts.  I need to pick up another strap for the rear - I'll get another Armstrong since they can be kneeled on.  Friday looks to be the next day that the wind will be up - these should be set in nicely by then (resist the urge to go out immediately after installing these - at least that is what the instructions say).

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