Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Nightmare Scenario - 11/25/2020

Foil and Wingboard jumped out of the back of my truck today while I was driving on the freeway.

Got super lucky that only one of the two bungees broke - if the load broke totally free, someone could have gotten really hurt (thank goodness).  There are some scratches and yet another ding on the tailgate - but again considering what could have gone wrong, this is good.

There was some damage to the top nose area - I'll just grind down the high points, fill with epoxy, add a top coat then sand to 400.  The innegra survived being dragged around on the freeway... can't get a better endorsement than that.

The tail of the foil got a little bent up - the pedestal mount rear bolt hole mainly.  I'll sand down the tip that got damaged, seal it with epoxy and be done.  And yes - I was at the beach and I did go out (after I taped up the scratches).  Its a good thing I fix dings... uuuuuuuggggggghhhhhhhhhh.  

I'll most likely use a heat gun  to take off the front deck pads, drop in some footstrap inserts, add a little cap sheet, drill holes and rubber cement the deck pad back on.  Might as well since I'll be grinding on the board.  

And I'll close this off by once again giving thanks that this incident wasn't worse.

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