Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Garage Works - 12/13/2023

After cleaning up my winging gear, I was staring at No.33 - it had the hardened epoxy on it from the last time I worked on it.

I figured I had a few minutes and I could finish the glassing process.

I used the grinder and got the bulk of the leash plug coating removed.

Then I went through the sanding regime again to get everything blended in.

This all took about 20 minutes.  Now the sanding is DONE!!!

I'm waiting on some new white paint pens to sign and place the dimensions.  And I also need to figure out the battery box placement and where I want to position the deck pads.  And I'll have to put several coats of acrylic on fill in the sandpaper scratches - so lots of work left to call this one completely finished.  But it does feel good to be done with the hard stuff.

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