Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Wing Foiling Session - 12/5/2023

It was cloudy for most of the day - but the forecast was calling for good wind.    The weather did break and the wind did come up.

I did not want to get stuck outside - so I rigged up the setup I've been using lately - No.25/Eagle 1090/DW210/PC 85cm mast/SW2 5.2

Prayot and Roland were also out winging.

The waves were small - which made paddling out relatively easy, but riding waves required patience

The wind was up and down - but better than 50% good.

Lots of mileage.  Speed would have been better had the wind stayed more consistent.

I got in several outbound tacks (on to rising waves - so much fun!).  Carving waves faces felt so intuitive - the Eagle 1090 delivered in spades today!!!

That lull kept all three of us down for quite some time,

And here's the gap/lull again.  Still more blue than black - pretty much means I had a good time.


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