Sunday, April 12, 2020

Evening Surf - 4/11/2020

It has been a week since we've been in the water - so we ask La to drop us off at Pine Trees (surfing and being in the water is legal - but I don't think anyone knows what else is).  The swell was minimal, but about waist high on the sets (which would come along every 10 minutes or so).  The wind was coming from the west, but it was not chopping up the surface.  Lastly the tide was really high at +1.9'.

I caught several - really long ones, and I had to abort on some because of bad food positioning.  Marlon was catching almost everything he paddled for - but the energy would fade relatively quickly after the takeoff.

This was probably the low end of this foil (GL180, also had the 4'10" out) - the swell should be up a little more on Sunday (when I am writing this).

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