Friday, April 24, 2020

Stubby Rough Sanding

I dialed in the shape a bit more yesterday - dragon skin on the rails and 60 grit screen all over.

I'm thinking about changing the tail shape.  Right now this should pivot at the corners, but looking at the fin setup I want to put on the board, it might be better to round out the tail.  I need to think about this.  Today I can get the higher grit sanding done, make any adjustments to the tail and cut in the fin boxes - two dual singlefin slots and a third right down the middle so I can use this as a singlefin also.  The current dimensions are hovering at 20" wide and just under 2 3/4" thick.  The argument for keeping the tail as is would be the shorter length - at 5'10"+ I should be able to manhandle the board through any situation - and with the straighter rail line the board will have more speed - hmmm - I need to think about this...

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