Thursday, April 30, 2020

Sanding the Stubby

I got through the 40-80-120 sanding today.

Those voids between laps that I was discussing in one of the previous posts were present - I think two are big enough that they need to be filled.  Tomorrow I'll drill out a hole for the leash plug - when I do that, I'll fill the voids.  I may try to wake up early and knock this out so I can grind it when I get home.

If I can get that done, I'll go through the 180-320-400 sanding.  I'm not going to coat the vinyl decal with epoxy, I'll just stick it on after the 400 sanding then spray the whole board with polyurethane - that should seal the decal onto the board - same effect I was going for with the epoxy.  Or maybe this will drag out to Sunday... (like if I decide to add a thin coat of epoxy to seal the voids and re-encapsulate the innegra that got inadvertently exposed while I was sanding - we'll see which way I go).

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