Sunday, April 26, 2020

Self-imposed Rework and Some Progress

I set the reinforcement blocks in the new 4'10" - but forgot to defuse the epoxy with fibers.  So instead of moving this project ahead, I'm setback a few days.  I'm going to have to dig out the melted EPS areas, splice in a fresh chunk(s) of EPS and then sand back to the intended shape.  Luckily the damage is somewhat the same shape as the blocks so it won't be too bad (I'll keep telling myself that to make me feel better about this botched job).  Any ways - doing things right sometimes means doing them again.  No pictures of this because I'll just get more pissed.

I did not want to end the day on a bad note so I reset the Futures Longboard Box Template for the 8" boxes, then I cut out the three in the Stubby.  Those did not go without drama (and I'll have to add some filler to one and a half of the three boxes), but I'll take a small victory today.

Tomorrow afternoon I'll tape a trim line on the top deck, cut out the bottom deck laminates (carbon patch over the finboxes is done, I'll use patch of innegra and a top coat of 6 ounce fiberglass), set these boxes with epoxy and get a tinted coat of green on.  This point between shaping and glassing is where the shaped blank is pretty vulnerable - garage dings, layers of dust, bugs and other things can add irritations to an already unfun period (did I mention I hate glassing).

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