Saturday, July 15, 2023

Dawn Patrol - 7/15/2023

Dawn patrol saw clean sets rolling through - the tide was pretty low and there was minimal wind.

I setup the gear I've been using lately for Foil Drive prone foiling.  It did seem like I wasn't getting the same "oomph" - low end torque today.  Despite that I did get a bunch of fun rides.

I had placed two of the Foil Drive branded low profile anchor points.  I used the grunt strap that the kit comes with and all seemed to come together into a nice insurance package.

One one wave, I was up high setting up for a drop and I got tripped up.  The board went one way and I ate it in the white wash.  I came up and got the board noticing the rear anchor pulled up.  It had helped keep the battery box in place, but the 3M tape gave way.

I had a bunch more great rides - and came in with the battery right around 30%.  That's 2.5 hours of motoring around - nice!


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