Wednesday, July 19, 2023

More Front Foil Tuning

And I couldn't help myself.  I went ahead and got the fill coat on the spots where I had used the solvent based fill (which dries red) on the HPS700, and some uneven spots on the ART999 tips.

I'll wet sand these tomorrow.  Looking at these two front foils, I'm pretty disappointed with the sanding job I did previously (the work I just did on the HPS980 is way better - I'll get these up to par tomorrow).

Knowing the conditions of the other foils I use, I'll likely be doing this on the following:

- scratch fill on the Progression 170
- scratch fill on the Vyper 170
- Donaldson Trailing Edge on the Eagle 890 (this foil sings pretty loud)
- scratch fill on the Eagle 1090
- scratch fill on the Kujira 1210
- scratch fill and Donaldson Trailing Edge on the ART 1099

There are times when I wish I weren't so OCD/anal.  But after these are done, I'll definitely be glad that I am!

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