Thursday, July 4, 2024

Anointment of No.37

La had to go to Hickam to deliver some duffles and totes she sewed recently.  That was the perfect opportunity to test out the connectivity of No.37 with the Foil Drive.

While I was preparing the board, Jesse was coming back in.  It sounded like it was carnage out at Firsts - a surfski had to be towed back in, he broke off a prop stantion, and some other things...

I used the foil positioning from No.33 (since these boards are the same overall dimensions).  The boxes are true, so I am able to use the custom wingscrews M8 FD Max set of bolts.  The reports say the waves are small, so I setup the Spitfire 960.

La wanted a selfie ;)  Who am I to say 'no'???!!!>>>

No.37 had zero connectivity issues.  I was even using the remote as far as I could hold it away from the board and I had a strong signal.  That was my biggest concern.

Next was how the board performed - it was flawless!!!

This board feels solid and it picked up waves almost as easily as No.33

Even though the waves were on the smaller side, this board made riding bumps so much fun!

10 waves in 50 minutes

It is so satisfying when a board exceeds the original design criteria.  This is the best Foil Drive-ing board I've ever used!!!

Successful anointment of No.37!


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