Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Evening Session - 7/31/2024

For today's evening session, Foil Drive was the call.  Marvin also was Foil Drive-ing, and Prayot was prone foiling.

I setup No.37 with the Spitfire 960/Skinny 365 - thinking the surf would be small...

Funny thing was it was pretty good!  Chest to head high on the sets.  The tide was pretty high so there was not much worry about hitting bottom.

The only damper was the wind - which was gusting into the big wing range.

I caught plenty of really good waves - either making solid speed runs on chunky walls, or carving top to bottom turns on shifting swell lines - SO MUCH FUN!!!

The walls were mainly on the right, and the carving fests were on the left.

I did miss a few waves - not moving fast enough to get out in front - so I'll call today's ride count 17 waves.

Marvin ended up having a slight rub with a chest beating DLNR guy.  I didn't even see them since I was way outside and pretty far away from the pack.  Even when I did ride a wave a long distance, I would try and kick out and pump back out.


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