Saturday, October 30, 2021

Dawn Patrol - 10/30/2021

No real wind in the forecast, so I opted for a prone foiling dawn patrol.

Molokai was pretty visible this morning.

No wind for sure.  Rising tide and a fading swell.  Fading so much that the waves seemed to be getting smaller with each passing minute.

I did bring the Takuma Kujira 1210 out on the 75cm Takuma aluminum mast.  I caught my first wave and just cruised - there is so much glide in this foil.  I pulled back on the ride just to make sure the mast was positioned correctly - I think I nailed it because every wave I rode after that first one I kept pushing the foil harder and harder.  This thing carves with the best of them.  It glides like the HA wings but has none of the high stall speed issues.  And by the end of the session, I had pulled 3 for 1s without getting winded, carved 360s, and made my way to the beach making infinity turns.

In a nutshell, this is the best foil I have ever prone foil surfed on.  Oddly enough it is also the least expensive one I've bought.  I should be getting the Project Cedrus adapter in the mail today.  The forecast is also calling for pretty minimal energy coming up from the south - just my luck ;)

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