Monday, October 18, 2021

Finished V2 Rear Stabilizers

I helped Noe get through a class paper yesterday - didn't get to sleep until after 12 (she kept going until 2am...).  I got home and looked for wind - it was marginal and I quickly hit the couch for a quick nap.  When I got up, I felt like I wanted to get a swim (prone foiling session) in at WPB... but in order to do that, I wanted to test out the newly thinned out bottom mount rear stabilizer.

I hit the garage and sanded the stabilizer through 40-80-120-180-220-320, then brought it inside to wet sand it through 320-400-500-1000-1500.

These last few that I've been reworking are super thin compared to what they were previously.  In the water, these thinner stabilizers have less drag, they hold/flex/release nicely in the turns, and they are just big enough to push against while pumping - perfect!!!

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