Sunday, October 17, 2021

Evening Session - 10/16/2021

I got in a late afternoon session with the 4'8" prone board and the PNL185.  The first couple of waves I caught, I had to get the feel for prone foiling again - but I was good to go after that.  The rest of the waves I caught I was pumping back out to the lineup and could have easily gotten 2 for 1s.

I tried a few of these wide span high aspect ratio front foils now - the Armstrong HA1125 and HA925, Go Foils GL240/GL210/GL180/GL140 - and I've got an Axis ART 999 in bound.  This PNL 185 is user friendly and seems to have a much lower stall speed (compared to the Armstrongs).  I think the GL180 may just be a tad more user friendly - but the PNL 185 is easier to pump back out.

The other thing I noticed (and already knew, but needed to get some actual data) is I need to thin out the cord on the rear stabilizers I've been making.  The one I recently finished and used winging the Kujira 1210 is substantially thinner than any of the previous ones.  I'll thin the one I used yesterday prone foiling and compare performance.

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