Saturday, August 27, 2022

Wing Foiling Session - 8/27/2022

Got to go winging after a little bit of a hiatus (a trip to the Philippines to visit relatives as we all remembered my Mom - it was a wonderful trip, but I'm also glad to be home).

Trade winds are back with a vengeance!!!  I loaned Kalani my ART 999 so I bolted on the ART 899.  I also used the Project Cedrus 96cm Clydesdale mast that I received before I left for my trip.  To round out the equipment, I used the Wide Wingfoiling Board, the 420HA rear stabilizer and the Ultra Short fuselage. 

Lots of wingers came out for this new wind event - me, Kalani, Jesse, Arvin, Bill, Matt, Harris and Ryan.  Harris, Jesse and I were out at Firsts.

The wind was coming strong out of the East.  There was a good base level of wind, but the gusts coming through were really strong.  At times the 5.2 was fine - other times I could have used the 3.6.

This was the track of the first session (5.2 SWX/420HA rear stabilizer).

I caught lots of waves - and they were fun, but generally weren't standing up.  A few did and they were standouts!!!!  Harris was up and riding, but Jesse had a 4.5 Ensis Score, 30l Armstrong sinker and a 925HA front foil - he spent most of the time I was out waiting for a gust to get him going.

I went in to check the bolt tightness and to swap out the rear stabilizer and wing.  I swapped out the 420HA for the 375P, and the 5.2 SWX for the 4.7 SW2.

I headed out to Firsts again to ride some waves, but the tide was rising and the waves were starting to dampen out.  Jesse made it back out with a bigger board for redemption.

I think the wind did actually pick up also, but my top speed jumped up a notch with the new setup.

I managed to get several outbound tacks in (and jibes both ways) - so the 899 delivered without issue.  The new mast was really fun to use - riding up high was more relaxed, but I did ventilate a few times and I wasn't able to recover from it (like I can do with the 85cm mast - going to need to learn to recognize this; and maybe the mast height is a factor in the recovery...).

Good testing day and super fun riding!!!


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