Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Wing Foiling Session - 8/9/2022

The wind was up today!!!  Marlon and I hit the beach again after I came home from work.  He brought his longboard, and I brought the 1210/178 out with the Reedin SW2 4.7

Today was a jump fest!  I lost count of my jumps and the wave rides were perfection.  The SW2 4.7 is powerful when you need it to be, and disappears when you luff it.  Roland was out also and we just traded jumps and wave rides

With a super high tide, this was an incredible session that was easy to launch and land, and just plan stinking fun!

Plenty of wind today!

I'm surprised that this was my max speed - especially considering some of the drops I was taking onto the swell that was marching in - the waves weren't huge, but on the sets they weren't small either.

Super fun day!!!


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