Saturday, September 12, 2020

Evening Session - 9/11/2020

Marlon and I had a very special guest join us on our evening session - Noe!!!  Though she really didn't come to be with us (she had two friends meet her there).  She decided to use the Mach 7-7. 

I had the skinny 4'10" with the GL140 (switched back), and Marlon brought his longboard.  The swell was a righteous shoulder high with plus sizes every now and then.  There was some wind - and I especially noticed it going right, but it was not bad at all.

Marlon was having a ball.

Noe told me after the session she caught one where there was no white water and it was smooth and glassy from the drop through to the end of the ride.  I had some long ones, but I think I could have gotten much longer rides if I left the GL180 on.  I ate it on a bunch of takeoffs so it didn't seem like I was taking advantage of the GL140 anyways.  I'm not complaining - the GL140 is a super fun wing - just over analyzing.

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