Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Third Wing Foiling Session

Today was supposed to be the last day of brisker trade winds - so I brought my gear with me to work this morning.  I got off at 3pm (normal time) and drove over to the launch.  I was setup and running in a few minutes (would be faster if the foil could be transported mounted to the board - but the Hypernut is too long and so is the 29.5" + 3" track adaptor).

The wind was absolutely perfect!!!  More east and it was nice and strong.  I stayed out over an hour and was foiling all over the place - more than held my line and never felt overpowered (just flagged the wing).  I kept trying transitions and was getting tacks on the outbound run and jibes on the inside.  I was getting them, but not all the way on foil.  But heck - this is just my third session on the wing so I can't complain!!!  I love winging!!!

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