Sunday, September 6, 2020

Fifth Winging Session

And to make an already great day even better, the wind came up.  I figured I should get it while it's here (forecasted to fall below 15 mph for the next several days).

I stayed out for nearly two hours.  The wind was up and down, but when it was on to had more east to it and that made for worry free riding.  Fun long runs back and forth.  At the end of each, I would try transitions - out to back I'd throw a tack.  I was very close to getting one without coming down from foil.  I got several tacks without falling off and often it was back up on foil quickly (as long as the wind was up).

At the end of the return leg, I would try jibing.  I got a few non-foiling jibes completed, but coming in at speed and trying to stay on foil while switching my stance proved to be a lot to ask.  Still -  practice makes perfect.  I may try to setup the 5'1" next session...

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