Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Evening Session - 9/29/2020

I picked Marlon up from one of his Mid-term exams after work.  I asked him how he did - he said pretty good.  I then asked if he wanted to go surf and he said yes - so off we went to get an evening session in.

The swell from this past weekend was still lingering - head high on the sets, but mostly in the chest high range (SUPER FUN).  The tide was dropping and the wind was super light.  Made for having to paddle the foil upside down a bit more than usual (so I wouldn't have to fix more scratches).  

Marlon brought his trusty longboard.  I brought out the skinny 4'10" with the GL140 - same setup as the past few sessions.  I caught several waves that I was able to ride for really long distances.  My watch said my longest wave was 474' and I got up to 12.8mph.  There were some real gems in the mix - a long left looking at the sun setting the whole way.  I had another where I got an infinity turn in (infinity symbol is a horizontal figure 8... and it sounds cooler).

What a great day!!!!

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